Review | Forever Thine Wedding Workflow | Lightroom Presets & Brushes

RO: Lucrand in industria nuntilor, probabil ne-am invatat ca fotografiile si albumele trebuie livrate la timp, iar daca se poate mai devreme decat ai promis, probabil ti-ai castigat si alti clienti. Pentru asta, avem nevoie de un stil de lucru cat mai usor si rapid in programele de editare foto, denumit si workflow. In acest caz va propun preset-urile si brush-urile Forever Thine Wedding Workflow.  Sincer, stilurile gasite aici sunt variate, usor de folosit si intuitive, iar brush-urile destul de practice. O chestie interesanta este ca preset-urile au si denumiri in ton cu nunta: At the Chapel, Best Man, Bridesmaids, Wedding Toasts, etc.

Sleeklens, compania daneza care a dezvoltat aceste preset-uri si brush-uri, mai are printre  produsele sale si Portrait Essentials Workflow bundle  sau Landscape Essentials Workflow Bundle.

Sa vedem cateva before and after de la o sedinta foto After Wedding din Bulgaria, impreuna cu Ramona si Marius.

EN: Working in the wedding industry, perhaps we learned that photos and albums have  to be delivered on time,  if possible sooner than you promised, and you probably won many clients.  For this, we need a working style as easily and quickly in photo editing programs, also called workflow. In this case I suggest Forever Thine Wedding Workflow‘s presets and brushes. To be honest, styles found here are various, easy to use, intuitive and the brushes are practical. An interesting thing is that the name of the presets are in tune with weddings: At the Chapel, Best Man, Bridesmaids, Wedding Toasts, etc.

Sleeklens, the Danish company that developed these presets and brushes, has among its products Portrait Essentials Workflow bundle  or Landscape Essentials Workflow Bundle.

I play a little with these presets. So, let’s see the before and after from an Wedding After a photo shoot in Bulgaria, together with Ramona and Marius.

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Preset: 0 – All in One – Best Man -> 4-tone/tint – Wedding Greens ->brush: Face: Brighten Eyes / Face: Soften skin / Face: Define hair

[twenty20 img1=”10756″ img2=”10757″ offset=”0.5″]

Preset: 0 – All in One – At the Chapel -> 4-tone/tint – Sunny Vibe->brush: Light: Darken

[twenty20 img1=”10758″ img2=”10759″ offset=”0.5″]

Preset: 11 – Wedding Black&White – Clean -> 6-Vignette – Black Dreamy->brush: Wedding: Fix overexposed

[twenty20 img1=”10761″ img2=”10762″ offset=”0.5″]

Preset: 8 – Wedding Fashion – Sophie -> 3-Color Correct – Reduce Yellow Tone->brush: Light: Reduce highlights

[twenty20 img1=”10763″ img2=”10764″ offset=”0.5″]

Preset: 7 – Wedding Film – Gone with the Wind -> 6-Vignette – Black Heavy->brush: Light: Darken Shadows

[twenty20 img1=”10765″ img2=”10766″ offset=”0.5″]

Preset: 10 – Wedding Vintage – Azure -> brush: Wedding: Fix overexposed /Wedding: Soften skin





Laurentiu Nica, these photoes are ideal. Can you tell me your mind about this photo?