One month free cloud backup with code 05jjpz

Backup for Wedding and Event Photos and Videos: How to Sleep Soundly at Night

Take care of your photos and videos with Backblaze! With code 05jjpz, you get one month free of Backblaze cloud backup. And did I mention that you get unlimited storage for backup?

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As a wedding or event photographer or videographer, you know how important photos and videos are to your clients. They are precious memories that will be cherished for generations. That’s why it’s essential to have a solid backup system in place to protect your work.

Why backup is important

An external hard drive can be damaged or lost, and then you’ll lose all the data it contains. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as a drop, flood, fire, or theft.

How to backup wedding and event photos and videos

Here are some tips for creating a solid backup system for wedding and event photos and videos:

  • Use two or more external hard drives. This will increase your chances of having a safe backup in case one hard drive is damaged or lost.
  • Use a cloud backup service. A cloud backup service will keep a copy of your files on a remote server. This will give you an additional layer of protection in the event of a natural disaster or a cyber attack. Use code 05jjpz to get one month free of unlimited cloud backup with Backblaze!

How to sleep soundly at night

When you have a solid backup system in place, you can sleep soundly at night knowing that your work is safe. Here are some tips to help you sleep soundly:

  • Test your backups regularly. This will help you ensure that you can access your data in case you need it.
  • Document your backup system. This will help you remember how to access your data in case you need it.

The stress of leaving home with RAW files

I understand the stress of leaving home with client RAW files on physical external hard drives. It’s a big responsibility and it can be scary to think about what would happen if you lost the data.

Here are some tips to help you reduce stress:

  • Use a cloud backup service. This will help you have a backup of your files even if the external hard drives are damaged or lost. Use code 05jjpz to get one month free of unlimited cloud backup with Backblaze!
  • Backup regularly. This will help you ensure that you have an up-to-date backup in case you need it.

Therefore, a solid backup system is essential for any wedding or event photographer or videographer. By following these tips, you can sleep soundly at night knowing that your work is safe.